
Sunday Schedules

One of the things that I like about winter is having the opportunity to snuggle. I have been looking forward to snuggling weather, but it sure has taken it’s time getting here this winter.
Sunday morning arrived and we were back on our feet preparing for another busy day.
Stroker’s dad joined us for church. I think Stroker really enjoyed the morning.
After church, we headed straight to the interstate. We met up with the Brooke’s for our annual Red Robin Christmas lunch and gift exchange. Schedules are so busy these days, it’s getting harder and harder to fit in all the activities around the holidays. Everything always feels so rushed this time of year. It seems like the more organized we get the more we try to accomplish.
Our schedules didn’t allow for much time to chitchat because the agenda had more for Sunday. When we arrived back in Cookeville, I finished preparing my BBQ smokies and out the door I went to the Women of FAITH Christmas party. We had a fun time of fellowship. We ate, shared stories of Christmas traditions, gave praise to Him, and had prayer for the trials in each our lives. It’s nice to have a support group and a church family. For all those years I never even knew what I was missing. On the way home, I sang to Jesus and thanked Him for His plan, His patience with me and everything in my life.

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