
It's a "Dirt"y Job

Monday morning started out a little rough. Nobody really wanted to get out of bed. Probably because we had been so busy that no-one felt like they had seen the weekend yet. After scurrying around to get ourselves dressed and ready for the day, we managed to all arrive at our destinations on time. Some of us handle stressful morning better than others.
The afternoon seemed to go a bit better for everyone. On the way home, Devin noticed the train was in town and asked if we could park while he checked it out. He walked along side of it for several minutes before it started up and pulled away.
Brookelynn got out of the car too and walked with Devin for a bit until she got too cold. She really has no interest in trains. I think she likes to be with her brother.

Tuesday evening we arrived home and found a pile of dirt that Chuck (Stroker’s friend) had donated to us. The downfall was that it was wet and heavy…and the temperature outside was 37 degrees. Not the kind of weather Stroker wants to be spreading dirt in.
It’s nice to see that winter has arrived. These lower temps make it feel like it is time for HOT CHOCOLATE!

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