
Movie Night

We went to see the movie Lincoln and both kids fell asleep. At one point, I looked over and I thought Stroker was on the verge of falling asleep himself. He originally thought it was going to be a good movie but changed his mind not long after the movie got startee. The last 30 minutes was good. It's just the first two hours that drags on and on.

Wednesday night was Chic-fil-a receipt night so we went for dinner before heading to church. The place was so busy that we had to park at the restaurant next door. Once inside, the service was faster than we expected. The best part is that we get to present our receipt next month and get all of our meals again for FREE. :)
Thursday consisted of the  usual gymnastics meet, but not before we all went to Cheddars for dinner. When we got to gymnastics, Brookelynn said she felt too full to tumble and flip.

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