
Thanksgiving Eve

I woke up this morning and went out to the grocery store to get a few items that I was lacking for my dinner preparations. I had slept in a bit, but made it to the store by 9am.  Luckily, I beat the crowd. When I arrived back home, I wound up stripping the beds, doing laundry and organising the desk and kitchen. Wait...those were not on my "to do" list today. That was just my "Attention Deficit Disorder" kicking in. It took me until 4pm to get back on track for dinner. Partially because I got finished up in a book that I started earlier this week.
Brookelynn helped me out quite a bit with my cooking. She and I have made another dish of dressing, another seven layer salad, more corn, another cheese danish, and two squash casseroles. I'm feeling accomplished this evening. Looking forward to feasting with our families tomorrow. Feeling exceptionally blessed to have multiple dinners to attend.
My heart saddens for those who do not have a meal or family to spend time with tomorrow.

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