
Thanksgiving 2012

The Thanksgiving holiday has came to pass. We were blessed to have lots of family and friends to spend it with again this year; and for that, I am THANKFUL. Our first stop was in White County with my family for Thanksgiving lunch at 1pm. Our second stop was with Stroker's family. There is always too much food to choose from there. There are usually about thirty of us that gather for dinner. My favorite is sweet potato's with macaroni. Nan made some really good chocolate pies too.
Black Friday sales started earlier this year. Some stores were opening at 8pm Thanksgiving night.  I do not enjoy the craziness of Black Friday shopping like my sister does. Every year she asks me to go, and every year I decline. I gave it a try a few years back and I told myself that I would never again put myself through the agony. My sister headed out (alone) around 7:15 Thursday night and shopped until almost 8am Friday morning. Insane.  She was so excited to tell me about all her purchases, but I was still happier to have gotten my good nights sleep in our nice warm bed.
My plans for Friday was to scrub bathtubs, bathrooms, swiffer the house and reorganize the kitchen cabinets. What I actually got accomplished Friday...NOTHING.  For five solid days, the four of us have been home with no work or school to go to and we have become lazy couch potato's. Well, other than all the cooking and visiting our families that took place on Wednesday and Thursday.
I hope we get our Christmas tree up soon. I usually put it up on Black Friday, but not this year.  Maybe we will get it up and decorated this week.

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