
Giving Thanks

Have you ever sat down at church and listened for the first five minutes only to realize God has sent the message specifically for you. Not only is His message speaking to your heart, but it was also delivered with perfect timing. Wednesday night Bible study was exactly that. I wish Stroker would have been there to share the message with me.

I am striving to be a Godly woman…. and it is difficult in this unGodly world. It is hard to not lose track of my emotions and start grumbling. I am striving to have a heart for Him…. not just the right words.
The Lord says, “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.” ~ Isa 29:13
And rest assured…. Satan loves nothing more than to attack us when we’re doing all that we can to grow closer to God. He has been rotten lately…. and I have struggled so much with his attacks as much as I hate to admit it. I am stumbling. But I am making progress.
Right now- I am at a place…. where I am striving to figure all of this out. Striving to be a wife that my husband wants to spend his time with. Striving to be the mother that my children can look to for joy and guidance. Striving to make giving thanks a daily habit…. not just in the month of November…. but always.

This Thanksgiving season and always….. I want to keep striving to be thankful in all circumstances. Because when I am…. I am acknowledging His will for my life. I am allowing Him to lead the way……

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