
Welcoming Fall 2012

So inspired lately…. and yet feeling un-inspired when it comes to blog posting.
I guess I’m in a rut. I’m sorry for all the negligence.
I’m a little intimidated by the idea of sharing *too much*. Our lives, beautiful as they are, belong to us. These everyday moments are precious. I’ve not ever come close to sharing them all… just enough.
Enough for you to gather that we love God, love life, and love one another.
There are only a handful of you that can log in and read my blog posts these days. This blog is, in a very big way, a journal of sorts, and I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure that I want my journal all over the Internet.
And even though I don’t want to share it ALL…. I want to share LOTS of the good stuff. because it’s a testimony to how wonderful our God is and what big and beautiful things he can accomplish in everyday moments.
Here are a few snapshots from the Hayes House over the last 10 days.
Dash enjoying the bounce house while Jett plays t-ball at his game.
I busted Devin and Brookelynn getting along with each other and spending quality time together.
 The reaction I got when they busted me taking photos.
"Drop the bat!...Drop the bat!" is all I could hear.
 Brookelynn and I planted mums in the flower pots, planted pansies in the window baskets and trimmed up the nandina shrubs to get ready for fall. 
Here is the front door lettering that I was posting about last week.
I didn't mean to fall behind with our "Happenings", time just got away. My intentions are to get back on track with my postings. We will see how that goes.

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