
Fall 2012 Has Arrived

Did I mention that last Saturday was the first day of Fall?
Dash celebrated 2 on Sunday. We attended a cow party at his house. It reminded me of Brookelynn's cow birthday party when she turned 2. The weather was beautiful all day on Sunday. It was a perfect day for a backyard party.  John Casen was quite the dare devil. He spent the biggest part of the day going up and down the slide. I believe just about everybody at the party tried out the slide at some point of the day.
Jett enjoyed his piece of cake and ice cream.
 I started the second book in the Hunger Games triligy this week. Catching Fire. It's a good book; however, I just can'f find the time to sit down and devote serious time to reading this week.
Devin went for an IQ test on Monday evening. It was pretty intense. The entire test was about three and a half hours long. When he finally got back home around 8:30, we all jumped in the car and headed to El Tapatio for a late dinner.
Daddy delivered a bounce house to Alabama for me and we sure do appreciate him doing that for us. The entire trip takes a full day and the drive will absolutely wear you out. I always thank God for my daddy. Not everybody gets to have a dad for thirty six years of there life like I have.
Tonight after church, Sterl and Debi joined us for dinner at Cracker Barrel. It turned into another late night (late in our book). It was almost 9:30 when we got back home. We still had showers, blogging and preparations for tomorrow before we could head to bed.
With the weather cooling down and Fall officially began last weekend, Stroker has decided that it is time to set his coffee station back up. This is the last thing he grabs before heading out the door each morning.

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