
iPhone 5 is here

We have put off "smart-phones" for years...literally.  We could possible be the last family on earth still relying on dumb-phones. To be completely honest, my mindset has been that every month I defeat the system by not paying extra $$$ for the fansy smancy phones.
Of course I want the internet at my fingertips, of course I want my email the minute someone sends it, and of course I want to post on my blog while I am on-the-go.  Well, that last one is a bit of a stretch. It's enough work to sit at the computer and post.
Anyway, although all those technology advances would make my life easier too, I have faught the temptations of the costly committment. Until yesterday. Yesterday, the iPhone 5 arrived and Verizon sucked us in by making the iPhone4 FREE.
My thoughts started racing, my lips started moving,  my mouth started speaking and before I realized what had happened, Stroker and I were in the car on our way to the Verizon store.
We were quickly shot down when we found out that we could not use my $50 credit toward the rediculous $30 per phone upgrade fee. We decided to just leave the store and put off the smart phone revolution a little while longer. After all, we had waited this long, why not put it off another year or two.
Between the Verizon door and the car door something came over me and said "go ahead". I know I am not supposed to listen to that voice, but I did. So here we are...Stroker and I are part of the smart phone world.
I am really having mixed emotions about the decision. I love the tools and features but still can't drown out that other voice in my head that keeps telling me how unnecessary these tools really are. I dread the higher bill already. I have always been the type that wants to prove to the world that bigger doesn't mean better. The oversized houses, BMW's, Louis Vuitton bags are not the signs of being successful.
True success (to me) is buying a vehicle without taking out a loan, owning a home without a monthly mortgage payment and feeling good about a $20 purse from TJ Maxx. Those are my goals in life. Not having the latest and greatest gadget.
Wait!...there is that little voice again reminding me that the additional $70 per month/ $840 per year mobile phone bill is only going to push my goal farther away.

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