

Back to reality after a nice break at the beach. Back to laundry, yard work, housework and all the other good 'ole mundane tasks of everyday life at the Hayes House...or any other house for that matter.
Now that the beach vacation is over, we can countdown the days to our cruise voyage. Ok, so we are still eight months away from that adventure, so maybe we should start counting down the months first.
Anywho...this week has brought new things, like Devin's brand new smile.
I barely caught this photo with my phone when we were at Logan's during dinner tonight. He will be ill when he finds it posted here on my blog. He got his braces off on Monday.
We also had a new experience at El Tapatio last night at dinner. We got half way through a basket of chips and started finding soggy chips. It kinda grossed us all out. I hope El Tap isn't reverting back to their old habits.  Yuck.

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