It was 9pm tonight that Brookelynn reached out to Jesus and changed her life forever. There will never be a moment in her life that I will be more proud of her than I am right now.
During Sterl's visit, Devin was across the street practicing up on his skateboard skills. Devin had no idea what was taking place at our house. We were sure to fill him in as soon as he got back home.
I remember when Devin was five years old and we attended West View Baptist Church. One Sunday during the invitation, Devin asked if he could go up to the pulpit and I said "yes". I watched him walk up and kneel for prayer. I'm not sure if he was devoting his life to the Lord, but I felt like that was his intention. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks as I stood there.
It's a wonderful feeling when you accept the Lord as your Savior, and witnessing your children as they devote themselves to Christ is absolutely breathtaking.
It was a wonderful evening and a sweet time. Eternity changed forever. Congratulations to Brookelynn and to Devin for his commitment to Christ this evening. Great blessings for the Hayes household!