
Soccer Season

We went to watch Jett in his first soccer game this evening. We didn't want to be late, so I asked Jett last weekend what time his game was supposed to start and he informed me that it was at "eleventy". I also didn't know where the soccer field was in White County, so I asked Jett and he said... "it's in the big field, with all the grass". He cracks me up.

I think watching 3 year olds play soccer is too cute. I remember when Devin played soccer at 3 years old. Brookelynn was on a soccer team at age 3, but she had no intentions of getting out on the field LOL.
I still giggle when I look at Brookelynn's soccer photo. I had to work the day the pictures were taken. I thought I could trust Stroker to get her dressed that day. When the pictures came in, my first comment to Stroker was "Why did you have her socks pulled up to her thighs?".  He said he thought that was how they were supposed to go. I guess he didn't notice all the other players had theirs folded down over their shin guards. LOL
Daddy's were not meant to dress kids.

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