
sNOw Again...Uuuugggghhhh

Yes, I have become a slacker at this blogging business so far in 2011. Although we have been couped up in the house a bit more due to weather, shortened daylight hours and the lack of an agenda, I still have trouble finding the time to sit down and journal our happenings. This week, Brookelynn has been wearing her new clothes that we found at Gymboree last weekend. The first outfit she chose was this one that has "Daddy's Girl" stitched across the front.
  She said that one little boy in class made a comment, but she didn't care what he thinks. I love the way Brookelynn has a strong mind of her own and does not feel intimidated by anyone.
Cletus also has a new look. He visited the groomer to get rid of a lot of his shag.
On Wednesday, the kids brought their report cards home from school and Brookelynn wanted to go to Dairy Queen so she could get her free meal for having all A's. Since the rest of us didn't earn a free meal at DQ, we opted for McDonald's. We returned home by 7pm, so we sat back and watched the season premier of "American Idol". I like the new judging panel this year. I especially like JLo for some reason. She seems to be a genuinely kind hearted person.
Thursday evening the snow flakes started falling again. Eventually there were enough to call off school today. This is snow day number eleven. Only two more snow days left to use.

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