

It's International Blog Delurking Week! (well, for one more day). 
 What does that mean?
It means that if you lurk here then you need to come out, come out, wherever you are!

Drop a comment and tell me who  you are or how long you've been reading or who/what led you here or leave me a link to your blog, or just say hi!
Don't be scared. Don't be shy.
You can always leave comments on any of my posts just by simply clicking the "comments" link at the end of each post.


  1. It is kinda funny that you have almost 3,000 views and I am your only follower. I do check in every few days, but not that many times! :)

  2. LOL...I was thinking the same thing. There are only 7 or 8 readers that I am aware of. Somebody must be "lurking" here.

  3. I check urs daily but can't get motivated enough to take care of
