
Little Miss Responsibilty

So, Brookelynn is feeling better and wanted to attend a birthday/sleepover party with her friends. I sent her antibiotics with her and told her not to forget to take her bedtime dose. I sent a text to the sleepover mom a couple of hours ago and asked if Brooke had her medz.  She sent a reply back saying "yes, Brookelynn reminded me". Little Miss Responsible
Shortly after, Devin went into Brooke's room to borrow some items to work on a project that is due next week and guess what he discovered?  A note on the goldfish tank.  He called me in the room to read it for myself, then I called Stroker into the room so he could read it for himself.
Again I say..."Little Miss Responsible"
It is times like these that make me want to just kiss her little cheeks off!
About 14 of us met up at El Tapatio tonight for dinner (minus Brookelynn) and they surprised Stroker with the usual "Happy Birthday" serenade from the El Tapatio employees.  Stroker went right along with it and got out of his seat to sway and sing with them (as if he knew the words...LOL)

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