

Here lately I have been taking the time to thank God for all the blessings he has given me (big & small). Once you get yourself in the habit of thanking God, you will soon realize that the old saying "Count your blessings" is literally impossible. At least it would be impossible for me to count mine because one thing that I have noticed, is that I have said "Thank you Jesus for blessing me..." so many times that I have lost count.

Friday evening, we were blessed to attend and take part in the Fall Fun Fest on the square. The four of us had a great time. We enjoyed the bar-b-q dinner, the entertainment, and we were lucky enough to get to take the last carriage ride. The last one of the evening to be precise. As we were stepping onto the carriage, the operator told his partner "This one will have to be the last one this's starting to rain".  What a blessing it was. If we would have been just one group behind, we would have missed out.

Saturday, the forecast was calling for 60% chance of rain and thunderstorms. I said a short prayer... "please hold back the rain at the wedding this evening."  Although the weather radar highlighted heavy rain right over us at 4pm (during the wedding), the sky was clear and bright for the entire ceremony.  "Thank you Jesus for blessing this day".
Mr. & Mrs. "Bad Brad" Goodwin

OK...I said I wouldn't post a photo since the baby is due this week, but it's a good family I just had to.
One thing the kids liked about this wedding...everybody got to take home a pet gold fish

Sorry Jett, Gold fish don't enjoy back rubs.

Youth is such a wonderful thing.
Children make you want to start life over.
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.


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