
Savannah Spring Break

We got up Sunday morning and it was cooler than we had hoped. Around 50 degrees. We headed on over to Clary's for breakfast.
The portions were way too large for one person to eat, but we ate what we could until we were stuffed.
We drove down Jones Street after breakfast. It is known for it's curb appeal and southern charm.
The brick streets add character to the street too.
We drove out to Bonaventure Cemetery and walked around.

We were waiting on our friends to arrive so we spent a few hours shopping on Broughton Street
We stopped for coffee at the Coffee Fox, but we don't recommend it.
When our friends arrived around 3pm, we met up for lunch on River Street.
Afterwords, we visited LuLu's Chocolate Bar.
We got checked into our cottage, unpacked, lounged around and went for a walk.
We had dinner reservation at "The Olde Pink House"
After dinner, it was back to the cottage to rest because it had been a long day.

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