
Mid March

Chili's was the lunch spot after church on Sunday, March 5th. After lunch, I remembered how good Saturday's nap felt, so I took another one.  We ended the day with Faith Visits.
Mom had doctor appointments on Monday, March 6th so we spent the afternoon at both of those.
We wound up having a late lunch because the appointments were slow. Mom sure loves a good filet-o-fish. That has been her McDonald's pick for as long as I can remember, but today we had Sonic burgers. She loves a good burger from Sonic too. She has gained a little weight. She is up to 106 now.  While we waited on the carhop to deliver our food, we played with snap chat filters.
We play with snap chat a lot while we wait. 
She is always saying "Well Heather, look at that. What is that thing doing to me?" 
I usually share our snaps with Maleigha.
She snaps us back and  says "She is so cute. Tell Little Linda that I said Hello".
I got my car vacuumed out on Monday too. I also managed to talk Devin into a hair cut. Talk about a productive day.
Stroker rode to Nashville with Sterl to visit John Ward who had brain surgery earlier today.
I got the call on Tuesday, March 7th the my brand new sun visor was in. Brooke and I went to pick it up after work. Apparently, I have worn mine out because it will not stay wherever I adjust it to stay any more. It just droops down in my way when I'm driving. I am actually excited about getting a new one that works.
We also went by the hospital to visit Jason Johnson's new baby and then we headed to Cheddar's for dinner.
I went for a pedicure on Wednesday, March 8th and talked to the guy that is building a patio cover. We are just a few weeks away from shade.  This week just keeps getting better.
I had lunch on the patio at Craw Daddy's on  Thursday March 9th after ePlan training all morning.
We went to Sparta on Friday and had dinner at O'Charley's. We packed a few things for our upcoming trip.
Saturday, March 11 was rainy. We decided to leave for Savannah early since we had nothing else to do in the rain. It was 1:30 pm before we got on the road. We made it to Savannah around 9pm.

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