
Spring Storms, Spring Cleaning

February started out calm, but got little bumpy during the first week. 
I visited mom on Monday, February 1
I went for a massage on Tuesday, February 2
Strong storms set in on Wednesday night, February 3
Right at bedtime...which is the scariest for me.
High winds and heavy rain makes my heart rate increase. It passed through fairly quickly and then we went to sleep. The next morning, chanel 5 news was in town because the storm took the roof off a local business.
On Thursday, February 4, I got a weird phone call from someone named "Bridgette Hayes" who asked if I had any bounce houses for sale because she wanted to start a business in Sparta. Crazy.
Speaking of the business, I bought a fan on Thursday to add a "sky-dancer" to our inventory.
On Friday, February 5, Winter Jam Tour came to Nashville. I've been waiting on that since it was here last year. It sold out (again), but this year, I bought our tickets early so I could bypass the general admission line. It's the best concert, worship, fellowship night ever. 

Check out this packed stadium

Lauren Daigle:  First
We got home late Friday night, but I hopped up Saturday morning, February 6 and went to visit dad and visit mom. I stacked wood for mom and  mopped her living room floors.  When I got back to Cookeville, Stroker and I took his mom and stepdad to dinner at Cheddar's. I guess you could say it was a family day...all day.
I had to run the sound booth at church on Sunday, February 7. Afterwords, we joined friends at El Tap for lunch. It was sunny and 52* that day. Spring is just around the corner.

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