
Winter Isn't Over Yet

Soooo, that post last week about spring...well, it snowed on Monday, February 8. Not just a little snow...a good one. Roads were covered. I took Devin to work on Tuesday, February 9.
 I also had an eye appointment at a specialist to check on that speck in my eyeball. 
Turns out, it's nothing to worry about (Thank You God). 
There was still a lot of snow left on Wednesday, February 10, so I took Devin to work again.

Then I scrubbed my shower at 5 am.  What in the world is wrong with me? Who does that?
Me...that's who. If I'm up, I might as well be productive.
State offices were on an abbreviated schedule today due to snow. They were only open 10:00-4:00
I went for another massage before church. I'm trying to get in as much relaxation as I can before our busy season kicks in.
The snow was melting quickly by Thursday, February 11. I took mom to her hip doctor appointment that day. 
Friday, February 12, mom had a blood vessel burst in her eye. It looked horrible. But that kind of thing has to heal itself over time.
Stroker and I had dinner with our church family at the Dipsy Doodle Friday night. 
We attended Dalton's "Going Away" (to the Marines) party on Saturday, February 13.  
He leaves out in a week.

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