
Supper and a Shopping Spree

Over the river and through the woods to Jackson County we go. We joined Dustin and Lindsey Kennedy for a chili supper at the Gainesboro Elementary on Saturday, November 8. The dinner wasn't really that good, but it was fun to hang out with friends for a bit. Besides, the money went to a good cause.
On Sunday, November 9, Brookelynn and I took off for her birthday shopping trip after church. Our first stop was lunch at Chuey's.
After lunch, we hit all the stores we could handle before our backs give out on us. We had to visit and extra mall because Brooke said she wanted to ride the escalators. There her favorite. We got home around 8:00 Sunday night and unpacked the days shopping haul.
How the hubs spent the day while we shopped.

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