
It Was Getting Crowded

After getting the four girls dropped off at school this morning, it was back to the house to load up Devin and get him over to the oral surgeon.
Today was his day to say goodbye to those pesky wisdom teeth that have been crowding his nice orthodontia work. By 8am we were checked in at the office and he was back in the surgery seat. By 9:30 he was being loaded into the car. the nurse said that they all came out relatively easy and all in one piece.
With the sedation still in effect, he was quite entertaining.  Getting across town and filling his pain and antibiotic prescriptions went fairly well. Devin kept asking me about the two guys crossing the street. He wondered why they were dressed exactly alike. I didn't bother to tell Devin that he was apparently seeing double vision, I just told him to stop laughing because those guys were twins.  :)
He seems a bit big in that little dentist chair.

Friday evening, after Devin was resting better, I picked up my mom and took her to have her hair done. With the holiday's coming up, i thought she might like a fresh perm and haircut. She was happy with her new "do".

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