

I am so excited. Not only is my first born graduating high school today, but Stroker and I have the best surprise in store for him when we arrive back home. Strokers friend Chris plans to deliver the 1985 Chevrolet Caprice that we bought for him this week.
A lot of kids would love to receive a new car for graduation, but not our Devin. He likes the thirty year old stuff. Below are some photos from the day.
On our way to graduation
 There he goes...he is all grown up

 This is Devin just before we turned on to our street. He had no idea about the car.
 This is his first sight of the Caprice. He grabbed his earbuds out of his ears and had the biggest smile.
 We barely got our car pulled over and stopped before he jumped out.
 This is definitely his first true love

 We had bbq sandwiches, chips, pasta salad, baked beans, potato salad and cake for lunch.
 We had visitors on and off all day stopping by to celebrate and congratulate Devin on his accomplishment.

 We roasted marshmellows over the fire because it turned out to be cool for mid May. Highs in the 60's

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