
Celebration Time

It was my teams day to cover breakfast at church. We visited mom after church on Sunday, May 11 and took her a new TV stand. It was a combo/birthday gift. We assembled it and got everything put back in place before we left. She seems to really like it. I had dinner at Cracker Barrel for Mother's Day and I got some new sandals. They are so cute. We visited Stroker's mom Sunday evening and took her a Kohl's gift card.
Brookelynn went on a school field trip on Monday, May 12 to the Adventure Science Museum in Nashville. She described the trip as "Okay". We had our first "parent meeting" for the cheer team this year after Brooke's first cheer practice today. Looks like the cost has went up a little since last year. this year, it is $750 plus $40 per month to join Power Athletics. 

Tuesday, May 13 was kind of exciting. Stroker and his friend Chris went to look at a car for Devin. We've been looking for a while, but want to make sure we find the perfect fit.

On Wednesday, May 14, Stroker and Chris made a different trip to Harriman to look at another car for Devin.  I think this is "the one". 

We started preparations for the graduation party on Thursday, May 15. The yard was mowed, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I can't believe that Devin will be a high school graduate in just two days. 

Stroker and I both took Friday, May 16 to prepare for Saturday. We ran around all day like chickens with our heads cut off. We met the lady with the cake. The Boys BBQ guy delivered our boston butts. We went grocery shopping. I prepared and cooked food. We sat out canopies, tables and chairs. It was non-stop right up until midnight. 
The only thing working against us was the chance of rain; however, I cannot believe this is DEVIN'S LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!

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