
Construction Zone

Since the closet now has new crown molding and baseboards, I wanted a fresh coat of paint added before bringing all our clothes, shoes and other belongings back in to it. I decided to get this done on Sunday, May 25. I also wanted to visit with mom, so the only way to accomplish both was to pick her up after we got out of church.  I brought her to our house so that we could visit while I worked around the house. Yes, I'm a multi-tasker. After we took mom back home Sunday evening, we stopped by Judy's, Gary's mom, and ate dinner with them. She had cooked up a table full of food. It sure was good.
Monday, May 26, (Memorial Day)  I painted on the closet before we headed over to Buckets for a cook-out. Stroker and Devin went to Sparta to get a Chevy license plate put on the front of Devin's car while I cooked some baked beans and got ready.  We met up at Buckets. After the cookout, I rode back home with "the box" (as he named it).

One final coat of paint to the closet on Tuesday, May 27. Devin, Stroker, Brookelynn and I all went to dinner at O'Charley's and then Stroker and I went to talk to Emily and Dave (Ella's parents) about an upcoming trip to the beach.
There it is... my completed closet, with crown mold, base board and fresh paint. Can't wait to fill it up.
Those are shoe shelves on the left. A person can never have too much shoe storage. 
Devin got his drivers license on Wednesday, May 28. Brookelynn watched them drive away on the test, I couldn't look. I also took Cletus to the vet because of his weight loss and runny eyes. I put a tote in the back of my car to keep Cletus in. When I turned around to pick up Cletus and put him inside, Kimba jumped straight up and into tote. I could tell by the look on Kimba's face that she was asking..."So, where we headed?" It was hard getting Kimba back out of the car. She did not want to stay behind.

The vet gave Cletus a heart worm shot and a steroid shot.
I hope they help. I took Brooke for a mani/pedi during the afternoon. Storms set in at 7 pm.
I took the kids to Subway for lunch on Thursday, May 29 after I took Devin back by the insurance company to sign a paper. I also had a guy come look at putting in a transition brace in our bedroom doorway. Turns out, he thought he could sell me anything. I politely set him on his way.
Brookelynn left for the beach on Friday, May 30. She is excited, but she's gonna miss us and were gonna miss her like crazy.


Back to Normal

Although Saturday was awesome, Sunday, May 18 eventually rolled around...and so did reality. We got back into routine (I love routine by the way). After church, we joined Debi and Sterl for lunch. Brookelynn and I went to Sparta to visit with my mom and wish her a Happy Birthday. Her birthday was on Friday, but she knew that we were busy with graduation preparations so we celebrated her birthday on this day. We went out for birthday milkshakes and drove to Rock island State Park. Mom liked the trip. She even got out and walked with us a little.

I closed the day with a hair appointment at 7:30.
Brookelynn had an orthodontic appointment on Monday, May 19. It went well, but the next one will leave her sore from new brackets. The rest of the day, we trimmed trees in the yard, Devin washed his car (he is so proud).
We took Devin to get tags and pay the taxes on his car. Then we visited the insurance agent to get it insured. Devin is a little surprised at how quickly the costs add up.
Brookelynn and I went to Sparta Monday night to see Michaela graduate.  All these kids...just growing up. (insert tear here).
On Tuesday, May 20, we took the slide blanket to Sligo to get some Velcro sewn on and we glued the adjacent Velcro to the slide. Yes, it took us all day. It was hot and sweaty.
Since Devin is "all grown up" he had to move from his pediatrician to a primary care physician. His first appointment was on Wednesday, May 21. I went along for the ride, even though he doesn't need me to. We had a graduation celebration at church for Devin and Savannah.

 Afterwords, we came home and cleaned out our closet for some remodel work.
On Thursday, May 22, the carpenter showed up bright and early at 7 am to get started. I had my list ready. The house was a wreck because our closet was scattered all over it, but it will be worth it in a couple of days.  Brooke didn't want to listen to the hammering all day, so she went to Jett's Kindergarten program. Our allergies are on high alert, so we ended the day at Sam's Club to get Citirizene to take. We like to call it the "ill pill" because although it helps our allergies, it makes us droopy and cranky.
We went back to sligo to pick up the slide cover on Friday, May 23. We got it placed back on the slide too. We had dinner with the Paramore's and Roberts at Dipsy Doodle. Brooke went to spend the night with Paradise afterwords. She likes to be on the go all the time.

We spent Saturday, May 24 on the road all day from Granville to Gainesboro to Livingston to Monterey. #WornOutAgain


I am so excited. Not only is my first born graduating high school today, but Stroker and I have the best surprise in store for him when we arrive back home. Strokers friend Chris plans to deliver the 1985 Chevrolet Caprice that we bought for him this week.
A lot of kids would love to receive a new car for graduation, but not our Devin. He likes the thirty year old stuff. Below are some photos from the day.
On our way to graduation
 There he goes...he is all grown up

 This is Devin just before we turned on to our street. He had no idea about the car.
 This is his first sight of the Caprice. He grabbed his earbuds out of his ears and had the biggest smile.
 We barely got our car pulled over and stopped before he jumped out.
 This is definitely his first true love

 We had bbq sandwiches, chips, pasta salad, baked beans, potato salad and cake for lunch.
 We had visitors on and off all day stopping by to celebrate and congratulate Devin on his accomplishment.

 We roasted marshmellows over the fire because it turned out to be cool for mid May. Highs in the 60's

Celebration Time

It was my teams day to cover breakfast at church. We visited mom after church on Sunday, May 11 and took her a new TV stand. It was a combo/birthday gift. We assembled it and got everything put back in place before we left. She seems to really like it. I had dinner at Cracker Barrel for Mother's Day and I got some new sandals. They are so cute. We visited Stroker's mom Sunday evening and took her a Kohl's gift card.
Brookelynn went on a school field trip on Monday, May 12 to the Adventure Science Museum in Nashville. She described the trip as "Okay". We had our first "parent meeting" for the cheer team this year after Brooke's first cheer practice today. Looks like the cost has went up a little since last year. this year, it is $750 plus $40 per month to join Power Athletics. 

Tuesday, May 13 was kind of exciting. Stroker and his friend Chris went to look at a car for Devin. We've been looking for a while, but want to make sure we find the perfect fit.

On Wednesday, May 14, Stroker and Chris made a different trip to Harriman to look at another car for Devin.  I think this is "the one". 

We started preparations for the graduation party on Thursday, May 15. The yard was mowed, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I can't believe that Devin will be a high school graduate in just two days. 

Stroker and I both took Friday, May 16 to prepare for Saturday. We ran around all day like chickens with our heads cut off. We met the lady with the cake. The Boys BBQ guy delivered our boston butts. We went grocery shopping. I prepared and cooked food. We sat out canopies, tables and chairs. It was non-stop right up until midnight. 
The only thing working against us was the chance of rain; however, I cannot believe this is DEVIN'S LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!

I've Lost It

We made a delivery to Sparta on Sunday, May 4 after church and lost a check afterwords. 
I’m just too tired; I can’t function correctly these days.  We also went to moms for a visit. Brookelynn and I went to Cane Creek Park to go canoeing.

We finished the day at El Tapatio for dinner.
I found some down time on Tuesday, May 6.  We spent some time in the front yard swing enjoying the sunshine.
I ordered a new wall plaque and some blue and red bunting from Etsy today too. I can’t wait to get it.
The Consolidated Application was due on Wednesday, May 7 and it took the entire day to complete. I met Stroker and Brookelynn at O’Charley’s for dinner before spending the final forty-five minutes completing the application. Thank the Lord this day is behind me.
I took Brookelynn to get new Chaco’s on Thursday, May 8. She chose the green strap. Green is my favorite too.
I bought me some decorations at Hobby Lobby for the graduation celebration. Devin got the yard mowed today. Stroker and I ate dinner at Logan’s and had conversations with a lady named Judy West at the table next to us. We ended the day with Jett’s t-ball game.
Devin go his graduation hair cut on Friday, May 9. Ella came over to spend the night with Brooke and we went to dinner at Chili’s. Ella said that was the first time that she had ever eaten at Chili’s. She said that her family always eats at home. Woah!  “What would that be like” I thought.  

On Saturday, May 10, we bought a pallet of landscape rock and drove our squatted truck to the house.
It took three of us about three hours to spread it. We even got caught in a downpour, but we had to keep working to get all that weight out of the truck. We were definitely tired that evening.

Wait...Is April Already Over?

Braiden wanted a bounce house for his birthday party on Sunday, April 27. We had to take it down and put it away at 4:30 because storms were heading our way.
I picked up mom on Monday, April 27 and brought her to the DMV to renew her license. I also helped with the academic banquet  at TTU until 8 pm. There were some severe storms predicted for tonight. I wanted to make it home before they set in. 
Stroker is on a late work day kick ever since he began this new job. It was almost 7 pm when he got home. He wasn't the only one tired. We all agreed on microwave dinners and a quiet night at home.
I went shopping for items for a bridal gift basket on Wednesday, April 30 while Stroker had to work late until 5:30. I hung up Devin’s graduation gown today so that the wrinkles could be releasing. When Stroker got home, we went to Cheddar’s for dinner and 20 Degrees for dessert. 
What we really need is some down time. This month has been exhausting. Looking forward to May, it looks even more hectic.
I began the first day of May, Thursday, by taking off the recycle toner cartridges and looking at some new computer options. I also went to moms for a visit.
On Friday, May 2, Stroker really put in some hours. He worked until 9 pm…14 hour day.  He said he knew he was in for a long day when he overheard pizza being ordered. Brooke and I took a canopy to the fairgrounds for the Faith Fellowship yard sale. We delivered tables and chairs to a renter and we joined friends at Cane Creek Park for a “Night Hike” at 8 pm.   Brooke decided to go home with her friend Jalyn for a sleepover.

Devin and I made a delivery Saturday morning, May 3. I drove the truck and trailer. Brookelynn came back home from her sleepover around 2:30.