
Winter...You're Back

We had dinner at El Tapatio before heading to church Wednesday evening. After church, we came home, prepared ourselves for Thursday and headed to bed.

Thursday was pretty routine too. Brookelynn had a gymnastics meet. She attends two hour classes these days from 5-7pm. I got in four more miles at the park and we had to make a trip to Sparta that day. Not much time for sitting around on Thursday.

The weather turned cold by Friday. Faith Fellowship had planned a yard sale this weekend and it's gonna be a chilly one. Stroker and I met up with other church members to help them set things up for Saturday, but everyone was freezing. 
Stroker and I also had our own little date night at O'Charley's Friday night. Brookleynn went to have a sleepover with a friend and Devin didn't want to join us for dinner.

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