
National Championship

Sunday April 7th consisted of church and dinner at my mother-in-laws. Mostly just rest in between.

Monday April 8th was the National Basketball Championship game and Michigan was playing. Stroker went through every emotion possible while watching that game. In the end, they lost by 5 points.
I made a couple of laps around the park today. I got in 4 miles. My body isn't used to it, but I made it around the lake two times.
Tuesday, April 9th was such a nice day the Stroker cooked burgers on the grill. We ate dinner on the patio.
I also got another lap around the lake. Brookelynn joined me for that two mile adeventure.
Wednesday April 10th was Fellowship Meal night at church. I made meatloaf balls since people seem to compliment them. Before church, I managed to get in a four mile walk...I honestly don't know how I squeezed in time for that, but somehow I managed.

Thursday April 11th was Brookelynn's gymnastics night. That is about the only accomplishment we have for the Hayes house that night. Some days are just more productive than others around here.

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