

Yesterday was typical. We went to church. After church, me Devin and Brooke went to Sparta to visit mom.

Today was a treat for those of us at the Hayes House. Stroker grilled steak and pork chops on the grill. Keith came over and joined us for dinner on the patio. Those pork chops must have been good. There were no leftovers for Stroker to take for lunch the following day.

Another four miles around the Cane Creek lake for me today. Oh how I wish I could keep this up, but I know my stamina will be short lived.
Although the evening was peaceful for us, the citizens of Boston were distraught. Today, during the Boston Marathon, terrorist (we think) detonated 2 homemade bombs near the finish line. The bombs were homemade and housed inside pressure cookers. Lives were lost today, life changing injuries were inflicted. We will never understand why some people want to intentionally cause pain for no reason. Our nation is devastated at this day’s events.

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