
Food Irony

We sat down Tuesday night and watched Hunger Games. It was a good movie, but I spent quite a bit of time explaining the scene because Devin had lots of questions since he hasn't read the book).
I am  right in the middle of book II "Catching Fire". I am sure Devin will wait until the movie to find out what happens next.
I think Brookelynn may be developing a kidney or bladder infection. That's not how you want to spend fall break. When she described her symptoms to me, I told her it sounds sounds like the onset of a kidney infection.  She looked back at me in all seriousness and asked if she was going to have to have a kidney removed.
Speaking of hunger games. Wednesday was our fellowship meal at church. I made a cheese danish, but it didn't turn out so good. I thought I could get by with the Food Lion brand of crescent rolls, but that turned out to be a disaster. They would not come apart or cooperate in any way. I eventually tried to press them out like dough and start from there, but that theory fell through pretty fast. It will be nothing but Pillsbury from here on out.
Today, we spent the day in Mt. Juliet shopping. I had hoped that Devin would find him some new clothes, but no such luck. We did go by and enjoy lunch at Red Robin.(Yum!) Is it just me, or does a restaurant always taste better when you have to travel over fifty miles from where you live? If Cookeville had a Red Robin, we would probably never eat there. Now that we have a Buffalo Wild Wings, we will probably never go there. Stroker and I found ourselves some new jeans today, and it's a good thing, we were in desperate need of new jeans. We also went into Target and found Count Chocula, so I bought a couple of boxes.
 Well, is it just me or is there some irony here that all my ramblings have been food related? Right down to the Hunger Games movie we watched. Aside from Brooke's possible kidney infection of course, but then again, it is probably from too much soda. related.

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