
Remodel Complete

Well, the master bathroom and the new laundry room are both finished, just in time for us to leave for Florida. We won't even get a chance to try out the new shower before we hit the road this evening.
 I guess it will give us something to look forward to when we get back.
Here are some quick before and after photos.


Brooke just might get ahold of me for posting this image. All I have to say is "Cutie Patootie"

Work in progress

removing the old floor
enclosing the old bathroom door and placing laundry fixtures. 


The new Laundry Area  The new doorway of the master bathroom
 The glass brick window and corner shelves in the master bathroom
The nook for the toilet in the master bathroom

Feels good to have this project complete. Hhhmmmm....what would be fun to work on next?!

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