1. We got out our Christmas tree Friday night. Brookelynn couldn't wait any longer to start decorating the house. We got the tree assembled and she placed all the ornaments herself.
2. Saturday morning we worked on the garland, got the stockings hung and all the other whatnots.
3. Stroker got on the roof Saturday, but it wasn't to string the lights. The weather was so warm (67 degrees) that he felt it was the perfect day to clean out the gutters. Truth be known, he just can't sit still. He is always doing something productive.
After the gutters were clean, he trimmed the tree branches off of the house that the pesky little squirrel always uses as an express lane to avoid Cletus.
Every morning, I hear that squirrel jump off a limb onto the back of our house; then I hear his little squirrel feet scurry across the whole roof to get to the front where he grabs the branch that touches our front porch. Down the tree and across the street he bolts before Cletus ever has the chance to pounce.
Oh how I wish that I could see his puzzled little squirrel face in the morning when he gets to the front and finds that his handy little trail has been destroyed.
4. Brookelynn, Darlene, Stacia and I went to see the Rockettes Saturday. The Nativity scene at the end was my favorite part. Very moving. There was also a 3D movie midway through the show that was really good.
5. We hung around a few minutes after the show and Brookelynn had a "meet and greet" with one of the Rockettes.
6. Christmas shopping commenced immediately after we left the Grand Ole Opry house.
7. "The Hanging of the Greens" took place at church Sunday morning. Devin and Brookelynn both participated. We also lit the first candle for Advent. I wish I had photos to share, but I don't.
8. After church we drove down to Centennial Hospital to visit Kelly. It is the first opportunity we have had to visit with her since her Stroke on Tuesday. Her hip had slipped out of socket Saturday and they had put it back in place Sunday morning. We spent a few hours with her, but she was on a lot of medicine for pain so she was only coherent about five minutes while we were there. We also learned that she turned 30 this year on her birthday; we were thinking she was still 29.
9. We stopped off in Mt. Juliet for me to pick up a Christmas gift for Brooke.
10. Took mom Christmas shopping and had lunch at Cracker Barrel Monday. She was so excited over chicken and Dumplings.
11. Apparently "Santa" conversations took place at school on Monday. Brookelynn started up a crazy text conversation. Looks like Santa won't be stopping by the Hayes House anymore.
12. Watched the Christmas Parade with friends and family. (Me, Stroker, Devin, Brookelynn, Heather Rippetoe, Stacia, Jett, Dash, Bucket, Jennifer, Libby, Keith, Aysiah, Heather Farley, Sherry Rooks, Camari, Cyrus, and Jaiden). Nineteen of us.