
TTU Homecoming Parade and Bee's B-Day

Today began early with Stroker taking Devin to the barber shop by 8am. Brookelynn and I hung out a few decorations for tomorrow's party since there was no chance of rain in the forecast. By 10:30, we were at Tech watching the homecoming parade.
Here are some of the floats.

 This was one of my favorites.

 This one was cute with the faded out Awesome Eagle. This costume IS ready for retirement.
 Of course, the traditional student mob came through. 
 Where's Waldo?
 After the tech parade, we stopped by to pick up Brookelynn's cake for her party tomorrow. We also stopped by the Sports House to find out what's up with the city league basketball team. Devin signed up a moth ago and we haven't heard anything. When we got back home around 1pm, Mildred stopped by to show us Bee's cake that she had picked up for his birthday. It was a cute fish, just not the age appropriate fish that we expected. Bee turned 57 today. We were kind of expecting a bass or something along that line. None-the-less, it was cute and it was a fish. Brookelynn noticed that they had written the name "Dee" instead of "Bee".  She has a good eye for attention to detail.
We spent the evening at Mildreds. We got home in time to bake a batch of cupcakes for Brookelynn's ice cream social. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

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