
Countdown to Thanksgiving

Did I mention that I got Braxton's birthday invitations done? Feeling a little productive I must admit.

Dinner came early today. By 4:30 we were at Logan's Roadhouse.
Brookelynn and I accomplished a bit of Christmas shopping today. We even got everything that we bought wrapped this evening. We also stopped by Blockbuster Video and rented "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles". My most favorite Thanksgiving movie ever. So what if it's from 1987, it is very funny and the story of the movie is awesome. I laugh throughout the entire thing and then finish it off with tears (EVERY time I watch).
One thing that I don't have accomplished is my grocery shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Brookelynn and I have plans to get up early tomorrow morning and go.
Oh...I forgot to mention pomegranate. I have been curious about this fruit for a while, so I finally bought one. Brookelynn and I took a YouTube tutorial on how to eat it and we both gave it a try. I think it is great.

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