
1 Year Anniversary

It's the 1 year anniversary of my blah.. blah... blog.  I wasn't sure if I would stay consistent with it or not, but to my own surprise..I post quite regularly.  Of course my stories are never packed full of drama or useful information, but it is the way I like to reflect on our life since it is flying by so quickly.
I'm looking forward to another year sharing more of the day to day
Happenings at the Hayes House.

We also went to my dad's for a few hours. He and Phyllis are making the second trip to Alabama for us since our schedule isn't going to allow us time to drive down ourselves. I thank God for blessing me with the people in my life.  They were truly hand picked by God.

Tomorrow evening, we will head back down to White County to dad's. I plan to head home before dark this time though. Tonight, we rode home with a huge flying bug lercking somewhere in the truck (and you know how I am with bugs). We all sat in our seats like statues.
When we made it back to C-ville, we hit the McDonald's drive through and apparently that was a hungry bug. He started flopping and flying around at the sight of the golden arches. After most of us suffered a brief panic attack, he landed by Brooke's window. Stroker calmly hit the window button to roll it down and VoilĂ ...he flew out.

This Saturday is the annual dinner at Golden Corral that my dad treats us all to in honor of our birthday's. We are looking forward to that too.

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