
What a Day

Bedtime at last. Boy are we worn out.
Woke up tired this morning...Stroker did too, so he took the day off with me. We went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel and decided to check some items off the "to do" list. We loaded up the weed eater, limb cutters, and other tools...and off to White County we went. We cleaned out half mom's fence row full of briar's and vines, Stroker weeded the entire property, sprayed "Round Up" on the driveway, then we hauled off a truck load of lawn furniture and decoration that had all seen its better days.
By noon, we had had put in a days work (and the heat was wearing us down too). We picked the kids up from their overnight trip to Darlene's at 1pm and made it back home by 3:00. I decided to clean the tub and shower, while Stroker went straight into mowing the yard. By the time I made it to the store and back home I was ready to rest, so we opted for Cheddar's for dinner...and that's it. Our Day. (in a nutshell)

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