
Spring Planning

Yesterday morning started with breakfast at IHOP. As the day progressed, we made our first ever visit to Golden Mountain Park. To our surprise, it was nice. A few minor updates and it could be even better. Being as last week consisted of a dentist appointment for me, an orthodontist appointment and a Dr. appt for Devin...the Spring break vacation idea went down the drain. So exploring a new park on Sunday afternoon was the only alternative.
Summer is just around the corner and school will be out soon, so relaxation time is near.
This warm sunny weather is keeping us outdoors till dark for the last week or so. Today, we took down 7 4x4 posts along the fence that used to hold bird houses and plant hangers. Speaking of plants... I need to get some plants to put in all my outdoor planters this week...maybe tomorrow. We also need to clean the outside of all the windows, put down triacide, and get the kids consignment stuff labeled this week.

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