
Bedding Delima

Finished up the last of the appointments yesterday with Brookelynn's doctor appointment and chicken pox immunization. She didn't stress at all when the doctor said that she needed a shot. Devin's doctor appointment Monday has had him stressed out for over a week ...and there were no needles involved in his visit. Those two are like night and day.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch (so to speak) Brookelynn has decided that she has outgrown "High School Musical". So, out with the sheets, comforter, alarm clock, waist basket, clothes hamper, wall art, t-shirts, etc. etc. etc. After clearing the premises of all things "High School Musical" it was time for new bedding. Of course, the new bedding that I chose was a definite "NO" from Brookelynn; however, we both liked the 2nd choice that we picked out together. By the time we were ready to make the purchase, Brookelynn had changed her mind (typical). I assured her that the one we had, was the best choice, and her new favorite had too much white and would end up looking dirty in no time. Of course,she disagreed, but I over ruled.
Everything looks sooo cute on her bed, but Brookelynn keeps complaining that her bed "looks too Country".

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