
What's Been Going On...

Let's see...since my last post,

We attended the Festival of Movement.

Brooke's class did the parachute's.

Attended a gymnastics competition to watch Paradise.
I won a $160 gift basket from Pure Romance at the Women's Show.

Attended my grandmother's 93rd birthday party.

Attended night 1 of my sisters church revival featuring Jason Crab.

Made Personalized invitations to my niece's wedding shower.

Attended my nephew's 5th birthday party.

All just a week.


Today's Word from Joel Osteen

I like this, so I thought I would blog it.
Sometimes it's easy to become so goal-oriented and so focused on our dreams that we overlook the simple things that we should be enjoying in our everyday life. Don't get stuck living for the mountaintops.
There is always another mountain to climb. If we make the mistake of just living for the destination, we'll look up one day and realize we've missed out on the biggest part of life.
Learn to enjoy the simple blessings of walking in the path the Lord has prepared for you.

Prayer for Today:
Father God, thank You for the gift of life. Thank You for the good plan You have for me today and for my future. Teach me to enjoy the journey of life, to embrace each day with joy and enthusiasm. Help me to see the blessings of every moment You have given me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Pictures From the Weekend

Friday we made a visit to the nursery for Spring Plants
Saturday we discovered a bridge built in 1922
Brookelynn explored the bridge
Devin explored the creek underneath
We also stopped briefly to enjoy the view of Center Hill Lake

Sunday was day at home...planting, weeding, trimming and playing.
Brookelynn even opened up her own landscape business on Sunday.


Bedding Delima

Finished up the last of the appointments yesterday with Brookelynn's doctor appointment and chicken pox immunization. She didn't stress at all when the doctor said that she needed a shot. Devin's doctor appointment Monday has had him stressed out for over a week ...and there were no needles involved in his visit. Those two are like night and day.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch (so to speak) Brookelynn has decided that she has outgrown "High School Musical". So, out with the sheets, comforter, alarm clock, waist basket, clothes hamper, wall art, t-shirts, etc. etc. etc. After clearing the premises of all things "High School Musical" it was time for new bedding. Of course, the new bedding that I chose was a definite "NO" from Brookelynn; however, we both liked the 2nd choice that we picked out together. By the time we were ready to make the purchase, Brookelynn had changed her mind (typical). I assured her that the one we had, was the best choice, and her new favorite had too much white and would end up looking dirty in no time. Of course,she disagreed, but I over ruled.
Everything looks sooo cute on her bed, but Brookelynn keeps complaining that her bed "looks too Country".


Spring Planning

Yesterday morning started with breakfast at IHOP. As the day progressed, we made our first ever visit to Golden Mountain Park. To our surprise, it was nice. A few minor updates and it could be even better. Being as last week consisted of a dentist appointment for me, an orthodontist appointment and a Dr. appt for Devin...the Spring break vacation idea went down the drain. So exploring a new park on Sunday afternoon was the only alternative.
Summer is just around the corner and school will be out soon, so relaxation time is near.
This warm sunny weather is keeping us outdoors till dark for the last week or so. Today, we took down 7 4x4 posts along the fence that used to hold bird houses and plant hangers. Speaking of plants... I need to get some plants to put in all my outdoor planters this week...maybe tomorrow. We also need to clean the outside of all the windows, put down triacide, and get the kids consignment stuff labeled this week.


The Saturday 17

Up at 7am
  1. Swept, swiffered and mopped the kitchen
  2. Stripped ALL the beds...started sheets in the washer, took all the comforters to the laundry mat for the triple load machines.
  3. Took Devin shopping for basketball shorts and t-shirts at JCPenney...Good sale today...Saved $$$
  4. Stopped by the laundry mat to check on my comforters and the nice little ole' lady had finished drying them and folded them for me...bless her little heart.
  5. Swept and swiffered Brookelynn's room (and threw out lots of junk) while she is out of the house.
  6. Cleaned the bathroom floor
  7. Organized the shed (again).
  8. Hung a new shower curtain. I hate when they get soap and hard water build up on them...yuk
  9. Cleaned the floor in my room, Devin's room and the family room.
  10. Dusted...which is what I hate most, but I was proactive and used my Omnaris nasal spray before I began.
  11. Took Brookelynn's bike to her friends house so they could all ride bikes together.
  12. Scrubbed the desk chair looks a little better.
  13. Hauled off all the recycle stuff to the recycle bins.
  14. Swept out the shed
  15. Caught up on emails.
  16. Threw out the shredders since they both stopped working.
  17. Ended the night with dinner at Olive Garden with Stroker and Devin.

Feeling like I accomplished something today...ready for bed at 11pm


What a Day

Bedtime at last. Boy are we worn out.
Woke up tired this morning...Stroker did too, so he took the day off with me. We went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel and decided to check some items off the "to do" list. We loaded up the weed eater, limb cutters, and other tools...and off to White County we went. We cleaned out half mom's fence row full of briar's and vines, Stroker weeded the entire property, sprayed "Round Up" on the driveway, then we hauled off a truck load of lawn furniture and decoration that had all seen its better days.
By noon, we had had put in a days work (and the heat was wearing us down too). We picked the kids up from their overnight trip to Darlene's at 1pm and made it back home by 3:00. I decided to clean the tub and shower, while Stroker went straight into mowing the yard. By the time I made it to the store and back home I was ready to rest, so we opted for Cheddar's for dinner...and that's it. Our Day. (in a nutshell)


Easter Photos

I love Easter...the promise of spring...time with my family...and the knowledge that my Lord has Risen!!!


Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everyone. What an absolutely beautiful day! This is unusual for our area. It's normally cold, rainy or both...but this year, its sunny and 80 degrees. Brookelynn woke us up at 7am because the Easter bunny had left lots of goodies in her and Devin's baskets. New Easter clothes and Easter dresses.
We are getting ready to head to moms house for lunch and the annual egg hunt.
Yesterday started off rainy and cool, but by 2pm the rain was gone and the warm sun was shining bright. Zander's first birthday party was fun; so much fun that I didn't even remember to get my camera out of the truck till it was over :( I managed to get a couple of quick shots of Brooke and Matasia.


Busy Agenda

Whew...these last couple of days have been really busy. Wednesday evening something went terribly wrong with my left hip for no apparent reason, but after about 14 hours and half a tube of "Ben Gay" it was back to normal.
During that 14 hours of pain, Brookelynn and I had to go to the grocery store to get the fruit to make the fruit kabobs
for the Easter party at school that was taking place first thing the next morning. It was approaching 10pm so we decided to "call it a night" and finish up Thursday morning. We also had to assemble the kabobs and make the Easter basket cupcakes to take to her class. Up at 6am and off to the grocery store again to pick up pastry bags, then rush back home because the Boston Butt man was delivering a butt by 7am. Then to get all the goodies finished up, get Devin dropped off at school and get Brooke to school and to class in time for the party. Not only was she excited about the party and the fact that I was staying to help with the party, but also that Thursday(party day!) was her day to be "line leader". Talk about having it all!!!
The class party was lots of fun and the class loved all the treats. I felt like I had already put in a full day and it was only 11am. That was around the time the hip pain started to subside. The rest of the day was a lot more comfortable. I had to meet up with the Easter Bunny to finalize the basket requests from the kids. I also had to get a couple of items for the menu for today's (Good Friday) Easter Egg hunt and cook out with the family.
Today (FRIDAY) started with an 8am car wash (although rain is in the forecast for tomorrow morning), then a trip to White County to visit my mom and get plans finalized for Easter Sunday. I prepared food for today's gathering while I was at moms planning Sunday's gathering. I hurried back home around 2pm because it was time to kick off the egg coloring event...all 72 of them.
Next up...the egg hunt (about 200 counting real and plastic).
After the burgers, hot dogs, and all the fixin's, everybody hung out till around 10pm. Tomorrow (Saturday), we have to get up and shop for Zander's birthday gift because his 1st birthday party starts at 3 pm. I love 1st birthday's...they are the sweetest.