
Sunday Sixteen

  1. Devin signed up for Basket ball Thursday.
  2. Watched Michaela at her basketball game Thursday night.
  3. Bought Devin some new basketball shoes...and found me some new shoes too:)
  4. Stroker and I done a little Christmas shopping and knocked out quite a few gifts.
  5. Brookelynn spent Friday night at her friend Treasure's
  6. Turned on the heat unit for the first time this season and as our luck goes, it had trouble starting up.
  7. Stroker fixed the heater all by himself.
  8. Went by my brothers house Friday night and the truck battery was dead when it came time for us to head home. Turns out the battery was corroded. Stroker fixed that too.
  9. Almost finished Brookelynn's birthday invitations.
  10. Had a busy day Saturday visiting Overton, Fentress, Cumberland and White County.
  11. Church Sunday morning followed by a quick trip to Monroe TN.
  12. Spent the day (Sunday) at Daddy's with all my family.
  13. Daddy celebrated turning 73. Happy Birthday Daddy!
  14. Never got the chance to clean the house at all this weekend.
  15. Went to Dairy Queen with the family and to let Brookelynn get her free meal for All "A"'s on her report card.  Yay Brooke! 
  16. Had intentions of wrapping Christmas gifts, but never got around to it.

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