
Found It

So here it is...the very last day of fall break. The house is clean, the shed is organised, the fall decorations are out and the kids are depressed that school starts back tomorrow. Every day, we worked on a project. Brookelynn and I started her birthday invitations and I even ran across the Jr. Titan's cheer leading uniform that I couldn't find last month. I knew that would happen after spending eighty dollars on a new one. Turns out, I don't think it would have ever fit her anyway.
The kids and I took a day this week, Wednesday I think, and drove to White County and took my mom to lunch. Brooke and I painted the bathroom that is "under construction" on Thursday. Devin has absorbed football for two weeks straight. This morning, I am making a cheese danish to take to church. My mother in law, Mildred, has invited us to dinner later today.'s back to school. Goodbye fall break 2011.

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