
Saturday 7

So, I am becoming quite the blogger slacker these last few weeks. Spring time keeps us busy outside. Once again, a week has passed with no spare time to post our happenings.

Monday, I had this strange craving to cook at home. Brookelynn and I made a run to the Wal-Mart to pick up a few things since out list had been growing longer and longer, and we also picked up salad ingediants, french bread and ingrediants for a pasta dish that was something like a dish that I seen Rachel Ray whip up on TV a few days ago. It turned out to be good...and we all at dinner at the table together.

Tuesday was sunny and warm. We spent the whole evening outside enjoying it; however, I did't feel compelled to cook two days in a row, so we went to Logan's for dinner.

Wednesday we Brookelynn and I went to buy her some new shoes. Her feet have had a growing spurt in the last couple of months. I also got the beds stripped down and washed. Must be spring cleaning mode kicking in.

Thursday evening was "Festival of Movement" for Putnam County Schools. The 3rd grade classes danced to the "HIP Hop Polka".  It started off traditional polka...
Then came the Hip Hop...
Friday I spent a few hours at Brookelynn's school taking pictures of the "Math Day" and in Brookelynn's class with her and some other parents that came by for "Math Day".  Brookelynn told me that every student who has a parent to participate, the students gets to spend "The Wheel of Prizes". Brookelynn won $5 on her spin. She and Treasure wanted to go to Dairy Queen for Blizzards after school to spend their winnings.

Saturday was a warm and muggy day. Brookelynn went to a girl scout event with Treasure. Devin and I spent the day at my moms. We hung out on the back porch for a couple of hours, then went out for lunch. We drove up to the cemetary where my grandparents are buried and walked around to look at some of the old headstones. I seen "uncle Wallace" walking around the cemetary with his dog too. Uncle Wallace isn't actually my uncle, but that was what I always remember him being called as I was growing up.
After we all got home from our SaturDAY adventures, we all went on a drive and then to Stroker's mom's till about 8:30.

I also want to make mention of Erin's blog. I have enjoyed reading about Brandon's Japan adventures these past 3 days. Totally different culture. Thank goodness a 12oz. coke dosn't cost $6 here or I would be in trouble.

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