
Birthday on the Farm

Today, everybody gathered at my dad's to celebrate his 72nd birthday.
 I look forward to this celebration every year and thank God each year for blessing us.
Phyllis prepared a big lunch and we all took lots of photos today. The weather forecast was calling for rain, but instead it was sunny and 70 degrees.

Gary, Stroker & Devin spent the day watching the Titan's game...Typical

Madison, Brookelynn, Braiden, Jett & Matasia took a break in swing

Daddy & Mike

Mike & April

Brookelynn loves to play with the babies...she had fun keeping up with Zander

Darlene, Zander, Jett & Matasia

Matasia & Jett ---check out the size of that mum

Brad, Darlene, Trent & Stacia


Zander loved the tractor...He was NOT happy when it was time to get down.

Michaela, Zander, Brad & Matasia

Jett, Darlene, Dash, Zander & Matasia

Darlene, Heather, Mike, Kevin & Daddy

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