
Busy Weekend

Oops, I am falling behind on my blogging again. I wish I could find the time to do this on a daily basis rather than playing "catch up" twice a week.
Let me think...Oh yeah. Tuesday evening after the whole "bug in the salad" ordeal, we still ended up "eating out" for dinner. We wound up at Fazoli's.
Brookelynn has been practicing the cello more this week. I can't wait till the concert.

Wednesday was the day that Brookelynn and I began working on her birthday party invitations. Her 9th birthday is  just around the corner you know. We are hand making all of her invitations this time, which has ran into a little extra time and effort. I am also helping with her class in their Halloween party next Friday, so I have got a couple of things together for that.
Thursday, my sister and brother-in-law came over so we all went to dinner at Bobby Q's where we found out that even though they have an ad on Cable Channel 7 that states you get a free drink with your meal purchase, they informed us that they are no longer running the special., so you have to pay for your drink too.  Hhhhmmmmm....then why is the ad still running? 
Thursday was also Report Card Day and the reports are good. Brookelynn even went all out and brought home straight A's. She even had a 104 average in "Spelling". Yay Brooke!
Friday evening, Devin wanted me to take him and his friend Chase to the movies to see "Jack#&*"...(Donkey as we call it here at the Hayes House).  I had planned to go in with them to buy their tickets since it is rated R, but the girl at the counter said that I not only had to buy their tickets, but I also had to stay and watch the movie (which I had no intention of doing). In the end, no one got to watch the Donkey movie. I personally feel like we didn't miss anything.
Today was a busy one...It started off with Brookelynn's 8am hair appointment, then the  Family picnic at Stroker's work.

Check out the girls arm that is serving the cotton candy.

I won a big jar of Mary Jane Halloween candy because I had the closest guess. I guessed 68 and there were actually 67 in the jar.
We played several games of bingo and tried to win a 42" plasma TV, but came home with only a jar of candy.
After the picnic, we went to my niece's birthday party. While the kids bounced in the bounce house, the others played a few friendly games of corn hole.
We finally arrived back in town to meet Keith, Heather and Aysiah for dinner at El Tapatio. Stroker and I have decided that they are our new dining out partners.
Tomorrow is another busy day. We celebrate daddy's 72nd birthday tomorrow.

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