
The Course of Christmas

Brooke and I went to Katey's for Christmas movie night again this year on Thursday, December 21, 2017.  Amy P. arrived a little later and left a little early too. We watched ELF this year.
We had a Christmas pot luck dinner at the board on Friday, December 22nd.
Stroker, Brooke and I went by to the visitation of Jennifer's dad in Rickman Friday evening.
We had dinner at the Rose Garden with the Paramore's and Roberts.
On Saturday, December 23, 2017 I told Stroker that we should go ahead and deliver Bee and Mildred's fireplace so that they can be using it this week.
When we delivered it, they were not home. We had time to set it up and have it running by the time they came in.
On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2017, we went to daddy's after church.  Phyllis made some sandwiches and I took some pasta salad.  Gary and Darlene came out a little later. I got daddy some super hero socks and got Phyllis a copper skillet.
It sure is different not going to moms on Christmas Eve. This is the first Christmas Eve that I have ever missed.  I bet she is having a good Christmas Eve though. I can only imagine what it will be like to spend it with the One that we're celebrating. 
We had a candlelight service at church Sunday evening.
That has been one of my favorite Christmas activities these last several years.
We had a larger crowd this year. It is a very peaceful event.
After we got back home, we just sat on the couch and watched some TV.
Enjoying a silent night.
We got up Christmas morning, Monday, December 25, 2017 and had a quiet Christmas in the living room. We opened out gifts one by one and cleaned up our paper mess.

The doggy's sure enjoyed their Christmas bones.
We went to Mildred's for Christmas lunch and to take all the cousins their gifts.
Stroker went to pick up Bucket and brought him back over to Mildreds.
We hung out there most of the day.
We went back to visit on Tuesday, December 26, 2017
I got used to not getting up early after a few days into the holiday. 
Wednesday, December 27, I didn't even get out of bed until 9am.
I took down a few Christmas decorations, but not many.
We had lunch at Cheddars. We had class at church Wednesday night and we had dinner at Cracker Barrel.

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