
Hello May 2016

I started off the first day of May 2016 with breakfast duty at church, followed by sound booth duty at church. 
Reminds me of Colossians 3:23

We also made a trip to Gainesboro on Sunday. 
On Monday, May 2, I stayed late at the BoE and worked on the consolidated app.  It is one of my least favorite things to do, but I got it done once again.
I took mom to the doctor on Tuesday, May 3 to have them look at her swollen leg and foot. It is not getting any better on its own. They wrapped it and told her to keep it elevated, but that is like telling a child not to eat candy.
We stopped to pick up lunch on the way back home from the doctor. 
I swept and mopped her kitchen while I was at her house. 
I cancelled moms 1:30 appointment for the orthopedic on Wednesday, May 4 because I have a feeling that is part of the reason her leg is swelling. The injections he gives may be creating a reaction.
I visited mom for a while and talked to Kevin for bit. He moved in with mom today. 
I went for my own blood work on Thursday, May 5.  

Friday, May 6 was a day for good restaurants. I had dinner with some of my colleagues at 7 Senses (YUM)
 and had dinner at Olive Garden with our church group. 
We also made another trip to Sparta (4th this week).
I worked on Mail Chimp for a while too.  
Saturday, May 7 was in full swing.  Now that the weather is warming up. Our schedule is booking up. We drove to Silver Point, Algood, Cookeville, Sparta, and Baxter twice.

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