
Schools Out...School's Out

Saturday, May 14 was a twelve hour day for us. It began and ended at 9:00. 
We only found time for lunch at Ruby Tuesday's. 
Other than that, we were keeping the roads hot. 
We do see some majestic views on our travels.
After church on Sunday, May 15, we had lunch with our church group at Chili's.  Have I ever written about what a blessing our church group has been in our lives. Remind me to blog about it someday.
What a blessing.
After lunch, we went by Red Lobster and picked up lobster tail to take to mom for her birthday. 
We went back to moms on Monday, May 16 for cake and ice cream. 
Several of us went to lunch at Paula's on Tuesday, May 17 for Jo's surprise baby shower.  I attended a meeting on our upcoming Washington trip Tuesday evening. 
We had dinner at the Whistle Stop before church on Wednesday, May 18
By Friday, May 20, we were celebrating another year of school being over.
 It went faster than all the rest of course.
 It just keeps getting faster. I will admit, every year, on the last day of school, I still get excited from the feeling of nostalgia. 
I don't think we ever forget how great it felt on the last day of school.
Brooke went to Ella's Friday night for a year end party.
 Not only the last day of school, but the last day of middle school.  My oh my.
Saturday, May 21 turned cold again. We had lunch at Cheddar's.

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