
Leap Year

I was back at the Capitol on Tuesday, February 23 for another round of nothing. It seems that every time Representative Ryan Williams see's the opposition is present, he delays the bill for another week. That only led to another company doing a news interview.

Capitol Hill: Nashville
 We did have a good lunch at Demo's though. Chili Spagetti for me. Yum!
I had to take mom to Dr. Saunder's on Wednesday, February 24 for a injection in her hip to relieve some of her hip pain. It was time for church by the time I got back home. We had breakfast for dinner at IHOP after church on Wednesday with Sterl and Debi.
Back to Sparta on Thursday, February 25 to take mom to her other doctor.
My little momma is down to 97 lbs. She's gonna blow away next month when the March winds set in.
Meanwhile, back at was a quiet evening after Stroker and I disagreed on dinner.
The silent treatment comes just in the nick of time.
I prepared a home cooked meal on Friday, February 26. It must have exhausted me, because I went to bed right after. I could use a good nights sleep after a week of traveling and doctors visits.
Saturday, February 27 was no better as far as energy. I went to lunch at Ruby Tuesday and back home for a nap.
I gathered up a little more energy by Sunday, February 28. After church we made a trip to Jamestown for a few hours. We visited Picket State Park, had lunch and desserts at the Dairy Queen before we headed back home. Oh yeah...we also took "face Swap" selfies, but they are a bit to creepy to share on here. ;)
I treated myself to a massage for LEAP YEAR on Monday, February 29.
It was awesome (as always).
I also had to stop by and pick up consignment items that didn't sell. I sold enough to reduce my storage by 2 totes. :)  Woohoo!
Lastely, went to visit mom and take her some dinner.

Lordy, Lordy, I'm 40

I looked forward to my 20th, I dreaded my 30th, but now that 40 has arrived...I embrace it.
It's awesome to be 40. Not only do I have a lot to look back on, but I have a lot to look forward to as well. 
I like where I am in life. When I look back on God's mercies and grace on me all these years, I can't help but absolutely love my life and everything in it.
The whole day went great. I received flowers from Stroker, and lunch with co-workers.
We had my birthday dinner at Chili's.
Other gifts I received were:
  • Be Still and Know shirt from Darlene
  • Scripture coloring book and colored pencils: Heather L.
  • $15 Subway gift card: Lisa H.
  • Dinner at El Tapatio: Sterl and Debi
  • $25 Longhorns gift card: Diana and Jill
  • $50 Visa giftcard: Amanda
  • $50 Visa giftcard: Linda


Holiday's and Happenings

Several of us from church went to lunch at Chili's after service on Sunday, February 14.
Dalton and his family met us there as a "send off" lunch.
It was Valentine's Day also.
This year, it seems that I have hair appoints scheduled on all of the holiday's, so I had my hair cut and colored for Valentines day too.
Monday, February 15 was a rainy day...all day long. It was Presidents Day, so I had the whole day to do anything I wanted. That is not an opportunity that I see often. I went to visit mom for a while and I also spoke over the phone to Dennis Ferrier of Channel 4 News concerning the new HB2456.
I met with Legislation and done an interview with Chanel 4 on HB2456 on Tuesday, February 16.
By Wednesday, February 17, I had to face all the questions from people we know about the news interview.   I had hoped that no one watched Channel 4....but apparently that is not the case.
At least, no one at church asked me about it.
Oh yeah...I also heard some good news today about getting a new office.
Thursday, February 18 came with the refreshing feel of spring.
Friday, February 19 was a nice day too, minus the wind. I made two sunny drives to Spencer with the windows down and the radio up. We had dinner at El Tapatio with the Paramore's and Roberts. I should have known they were up to something. I ended up with the lice hat on my head and the humiliating singing. I saved myself from the ice cream in the face. Why would I ever agree to El Tap on my birthday weekend? I know better than that :/
We had some Sparta deliveries on Saturday, February 20. It also gave us a chance to visit mom for a while and daddy for a while.  I never really have the opportunity to visit much, so when we are in the neighborhood, I make time hang out for a little bit.
Sunday, February 21, we went to lunch at Fazoli's with our church friends. I spent a good deal of the day in the shed working on consignment stuff to clear out. I can't handle useless stuff laying around, so I try to thin it out every chance I get.


Winter Isn't Over Yet

Soooo, that post last week about spring...well, it snowed on Monday, February 8. Not just a little snow...a good one. Roads were covered. I took Devin to work on Tuesday, February 9.
 I also had an eye appointment at a specialist to check on that speck in my eyeball. 
Turns out, it's nothing to worry about (Thank You God). 
There was still a lot of snow left on Wednesday, February 10, so I took Devin to work again.

Then I scrubbed my shower at 5 am.  What in the world is wrong with me? Who does that?
Me...that's who. If I'm up, I might as well be productive.
State offices were on an abbreviated schedule today due to snow. They were only open 10:00-4:00
I went for another massage before church. I'm trying to get in as much relaxation as I can before our busy season kicks in.
The snow was melting quickly by Thursday, February 11. I took mom to her hip doctor appointment that day. 
Friday, February 12, mom had a blood vessel burst in her eye. It looked horrible. But that kind of thing has to heal itself over time.
Stroker and I had dinner with our church family at the Dipsy Doodle Friday night. 
We attended Dalton's "Going Away" (to the Marines) party on Saturday, February 13.  
He leaves out in a week.


Spring Storms, Spring Cleaning

February started out calm, but got little bumpy during the first week. 
I visited mom on Monday, February 1
I went for a massage on Tuesday, February 2
Strong storms set in on Wednesday night, February 3
Right at bedtime...which is the scariest for me.
High winds and heavy rain makes my heart rate increase. It passed through fairly quickly and then we went to sleep. The next morning, chanel 5 news was in town because the storm took the roof off a local business.
On Thursday, February 4, I got a weird phone call from someone named "Bridgette Hayes" who asked if I had any bounce houses for sale because she wanted to start a business in Sparta. Crazy.
Speaking of the business, I bought a fan on Thursday to add a "sky-dancer" to our inventory.
On Friday, February 5, Winter Jam Tour came to Nashville. I've been waiting on that since it was here last year. It sold out (again), but this year, I bought our tickets early so I could bypass the general admission line. It's the best concert, worship, fellowship night ever. 

Check out this packed stadium

Lauren Daigle:  First
We got home late Friday night, but I hopped up Saturday morning, February 6 and went to visit dad and visit mom. I stacked wood for mom and  mopped her living room floors.  When I got back to Cookeville, Stroker and I took his mom and stepdad to dinner at Cheddar's. I guess you could say it was a family day...all day.
I had to run the sound booth at church on Sunday, February 7. Afterwords, we joined friends at El Tap for lunch. It was sunny and 52* that day. Spring is just around the corner.