
It's That Time Again

Verizon really knows how to suck you in...consumers that is. Stroker called me earlier in the day on Tuesday, June 16,  to tell me that Verizon was running a promotion for a free iPhone 6 upgrade. I had no intentions of purchasing another iPhone. I instead was planning to switch to the Samsung Galaxy on my next upgrade, but I fell for their tricky little scheme and upgraded along with Stroker. So now we both have new phones with cool new features to hinder us from any other accomplishments over the next several days.  Uuuggghhh!

We had dinner at Logan's and played with them the entire time. 
See, it has already begun. :/

By midweek, Wednesday, June 17, we had not accomplished much of anything else other than  attending church. 
I had asked Stacia about meeting up with me at Dogwood Park some evening. We decided on Thursday, June 18. Those boys have the best time running through the fountain. I love to watch them splash and listen to them giggle as they try to hold the water back from geysers. It reminds me of when Devin was little. 

Then on Friday, June 19, I had to say farewell to my co-worker Jacquline who landed a new job and left me. Stroker and I  made a trip to Bondecroft Friday evening. 
We celebrated with the Drouillard's on Sturday, June 20. It was Grey's 2nd birthday party.I can't believe that 2 years have already passed since he arrived. 
Seems like only yesterday that I was snapping THESE photos.
Look at him now...running, jumping and talking to the big the kids.
Boy do I feel my age sometimes. ;)

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