
How Hollywood Effects Us

After church on Sunday, April 12, we moved a little more dirt and rock trying to get the new pathway finished up. We also set up the water slide for the first time this year. The weather was sunny and 80 degrees, so summer should be just around the corner.
I guess you could call Tuesday, April 14, Brooke's Day because we ordered her a new comforter for her bed and we took a trip to Belk and bought her some Clinique foundation powder. These days, she wants to cover up those freckles that I love so much. The realization that she is growing up is almost too overwhelming.
Some time has passed since we re-seeded the yard and we were finally seeing some new sprouts of grass on Wednesday, April 15.  Some spots look great, while others are struggling. 
On Thursday, April 16, I sat intently and watched another episode of American Crime. That is the BEST show. Have I mentioned my two favorite characters...Hector and Aubrey?
 Aubrey Taylor is a drug addict and the only thing she loves more than meth is ...Carter Nix. 

Hector Tontz wants to be a good person and father to his daughter, but time after time, he falls short.

On Friday, April 17, Brookelynn and a group of her friends went to see a scary movie. When we picked her up, she told us that the movie wasn't that good; however, she wound up sleeping in our bed Friday night.

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