
What Day Is This Anyway?

I feel as if I am caught up in some kind of whirl wind. I've not even had an opportunity to acknowledge the leaves falling, the cooler temperatures or the shorter days of Fall. How can it be that I'm sitting here typing in mid December.  I don't even recall feeling all "warm and fuzzy" when we put up the Christmas tree a couple of weeks ago. As a matter of fact, it happened so fast, that I barely recollect putting the tree up. The tree is the only Christmas decoration here at the Hayes House...and there's not gonna be any other Christmas decorations this year.
I'm fighting "tooth and nail" to keep up as it is.

On top of holiday shopping, gatherings, gift wrapping and everything else that has to get done on a daily basis, my brand new computer keeps giving me grief. I've spent so much time on the phone with "Vigit from Dell" that I feel like I should put him on my Christmas card list.
I'm exhausted this year. I just want to sit down and embrace the holiday. is that too much to ask for? Between traveling to Baxter and White County twice this week, dealing with Stroker pouting for two days, Christmas dinner with the Nash's, and fitting in a massage to attempt to relax, I only feel more behind.
I need a Silent Night.

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